1983 Photos Photos Home


My brother Matt and I spent a couple months in the mountains behind Santa Barbara shooting a short comedy film, THE BIG TOMATO, with Dave Ewing, known as "Preacher."

Preacher was the auteur--writer, director, cameraman. The protagonist in the movie was the 1965 Dodge Dart that I'd given to Matt and Nancy. I was the driver, but you couldn't tell because we put dark tinting in the windows. Matt made various camera holders to attach to the car.

The three-minute movie was screened at several film festivals:

- Edinburgh Internationall Film Festival
- Burly Bear Network
- Ann Arbor Film Festival

Preacher with camera and Matt''s combobulation

Preacher's dog Chancre came with us.

Matt and Dodge Dart

Matt's son Luke came with us once. Luke on a jack stand.

Luke in the back seat