Banging the gong
Last summer I built a gong to take up to the
shooting range in the Santa Barbara mountains, but the range had been closed in the summer because of
severe fire danger. This time we were finally able to shoot at it.
Pop didn't go with us. "I don't shoot unless it's at people," he said, but in actuality he hasn't killed anybody
in almost sixty years.
We took a couple of .357 Magnum revolvers to the range--my Ruger SP-101 snubby, and Matt's Smith & Wesson
686+, a seven-shot revolver with a six-inch barrel.
Luke shooting Smith & Wesson
Luke shooting Ruger
Matt shoots from behind a rock.
Colin with Smith & Wesson.
Colin loading the gun.
Colin shooting.
Luke points to battered gong.
We shot at both sides of the gong:
Side one
Side two
We were surprised at how much splattered lead we found inside the saw horse. |