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March 8: Don't Bet Against Us
Tammy Lewis, Debbie Davis, Jeff Pippen

Lightning came down and the seas parted and we won all four points against the team with the highest average in the league.

It wasn't so much what Rhea and I did as much as the other team shot itself in the foot. Tammy has the highest average of anybody in the league, male or female, at 227, but she rolled a 164 in the first game. I was three pins under average, but Rhea was 18 pins over average, and that was it.

In the subsequent two games Tammy reverted to her norm, but their guy Sean, average 215, rolled 157 and 135. So it didn't matter what Rhea and I did as long as we held our averages. I had another exasperating evening: my strike ball was jammin it, but I couldn't pick up the spares. 151, 190, 190.

Anders was in Germany at the International Builders Show.


Luke Lanewalker

Mike Mills' ballsy t-shirt