On the last Friday of June I picked up Omega, Phaedrus and Tigerbomb and drove us to LAX and we
flew to St. Louis for SummerCon, the annual hacker's convention. It was the final SummerCon; after that,
the venue changed to Las Vegas and the name changed to DefCon.
It was The Old Days of attendance was 80. (At DefCon 2003, there were well over 6,000 attendees.)
I'm not a hacker in the least, but Omega and Phaedrus were. They had just gained membership in The Cult of the
Dead Cow, the world's leading hacker organization, and they invited me to attend. And by bringing Tigerbomb,
it turned out that we doubled the babe population at the convention.
The airport hotel was dreadful, and we had to hike three quarters of a mile on freeway bridges to get
to a mall with restaurants.
