Mannford, Oklahoma
I hadn't visited my mother, Mary Antonian, since 1976, so I stopped in rural Mannford, southwest of Tulsa, to see her
on my way home from Florida.
Ma lives in a mobile home. Her lung function is low so she requires continuous oxygen. She stays on her couch all day with her dog
and her cat Satan, doing crossword puzzles and watching TV. She also sleeps on the couch.
My sister Gina and her family also live in the mobile home along with three dogs and ten cats, and I met her family for the first time.
This is Ma's yard.
My brother Matt flew to Oklahoma to visit at the same time as me, and he rode back to Santa Barbara with me. We stayed at my
brother Andy's house.
On Sunday we took Ma's pontoon boat out onto the Cimarron River for a ride.