2003 Photos Photos Home

I drove down to Santa Barbara for my annual tax trip. Nancy was able to find enough loopholes so that I didn't have to take out any loans to pay Uncle Sam.

Lots of changes at Matt & Nancy's...Luke has moved out, and a piano has moved in.


It was mostly a musical evening.

Ian played piano

Ian's self-portrait

Luke's former bedroom

Chris, Lee, Joe in new computer room

Ian playing bass guitar

Joe Boone

Matt, Ian and Joe play

Armand's new tattoo

Other side of new tattoo

Barbara and Lee

Barbara and Lee after kissing

Cat scratch box

Matt plays guitar

More Matt guitar


Nancy processed my tax job

More computer room boys

Cristina on the exercycle

Cristina wines that it's "Cristina," not "Christina."

CZ's self-portrait with my new camera

CZ's picture of Ian squinting

Out in the garage:
  Matt's 1958 milk ad

   Matt's Easy Rider bike

   View from inside the garage

Late at night we watched Saturday Night Live with Paris Hilton as the guest host, but it could not hold Ursa's attention.