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Junior High Play

Milburn P. Anderson Junior High School of Berkley, Michigan, put on a performance of "Tom Sawyer and the Whitewashed Fence," or some such name.

I played Tom's bratty younger brother Sid. I'm the one cringing down on the left. I barely remember it...the only thing I remember is that Tom was supposed to throw a piece of toast at me in anger and hit me, and the kid playing Tom missed me by a mile in every performance, and each time I went ahead and fell to the floor crying, as per the script.

The picture is signed on the back by nine kids:

"Best of luck(?), Colin"--Tom Brown
"Good luck!"--Sandra Vobel
Vicki Miller "60"
John Sedlander
Sue Merchant "60"
Stan (Ben) Zubal
Diane Hunter
John Phillips
Donna Green "(Good Luck, Colin!)"

Tom Brown is in the white t-shirt with arms folded across his knees; Stan Zubal is on the floor at the right. I can't identify the rest of them.