Professional photography as a career.
Hi: My name's Robin White, and I'm a student at Brooks Institute. I first thought about photography as a career when I was a
sophomore at Temple City High School, California, and I did what most other students did - checked out a lot of photography
I heard about Brooks, and really liked the idea of going there, but I thought I wasn't ready for the program too soon after high
school. Of course, that was just me, you might want to go when you've graduated from high school, and finished your
required college courses. I did an A:A. course in photography at Pasadena City College, and took care of my general
education prerequisites at the same time. My city college course was excellent, but I wanted to be a professional photographer,
and felt I needed more education.
So, I chose Brooks, and I'm really glad I did. It's an intensive program here, but ifs great. A lot of students are almost straight out
of high school, others have college degrees. But, we're all here for the same reason - to get the best start in professional
photography. I'm majoring in illustrationadvertising, and have my eyes fixed on an editorial fashion and glamour career.
When I graduate, I'll probably work in either Los Angeles or New York for a while, before heading to places like Milan and Paris. I'm really glad that I'll
have a Brooks' education to launch my career. If you want to be a professional photographer, this is a great place to go to school.
The faculty and staff are enthusiastic and friendly, my fellow students are from all over the world.
Brooks is a neat place.
So is Santa Barbara. I know you'll enjoy your time at Brooks - I did. Good luck.