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5. A Bug in Between

I awoke handcuffed to a seat in the cabin of a private jet. Graisseux sprawled in a co-pilot's chair built to conform to his massive bulk. Thalia wept in another seat.

Old Mr. Szeu lay crumpled and bruised on the floor, while a half-dozen grisly bugs circled overhead.

"It's a good thing the old man talked," said Noneck from the pilot's seat.

Graisseux stirred impatiently. "Well? Did Thalia's art director enter our contest or not?"

"But what if the broad warned him?" whined Singlebrow, sweating as he pawed through a thick stack of computer printouts. "What if he didn't enter the contest?"

"He's been in all the contests," said Graisseux. "He's won gold medals in advertising and graphics competition from coast to coast. He'll enter" He pointed to a poster taped to the cabin wall.

The headline said WIN THE CREATIVITY BOWL and the bottom line said FIRST PRIZE: 100 OUNCES OF GOLD. But I didn't read them until I finished looking at the stunning erotic photo of blonde and busty Thalia holding a golden cube.

"I found it!" said Singlebrow. "He entered, all right, and he lives in Santa Barbara, California" He showed the printout to Graisseux, then looked back and saw me. "Hey, boss, the dick's been listening."

"Forget him,' said Graisseux. "We'll take care of these petty details after we have this clever graphic designer Gordon Mortensen under control."

1.  The Van Gogh Caper

2.  Thalia Busts In

3.  The End of New Ideas

4.  A Bug In The Ear

5.  A Bug In Between

6.  She Rose To The Occasion

7.  High Caliber Encounter

8.  He Triggered It

9.  The End