1992 Photos
3rd Annual Golden Biff Awards Night

David the Gray.


92Aug30 5:02 am from David The Grey

I was pretty confused when I first arrived. Got there a little late, and no one around, or anything. I thought maybe the gaggle of folks hanging out at the computer games was the group, and said, "Hmm... this doesn't look like a Q to me!" but people started showing up all over the place, and the temperature went through the roof, and we started cooking like pizzas ourself. Fun stuff. Good to see everyone.

I had an excellent time.  Although, I was worried at first that I wouldn't have
the opportunity to actually talk to anyone.  Everyone was all off in their own
little groups, and I was sitting next to Bliss, whom I don't know at all.
Anyhow, I was way over in the corner, feeling rather... out of place.
Fortunately, once a few people left, I managed to talk to some people I had been
wanting to see, such as yourself Bloodline.  It was also interesting to meet
Newstyle, Swagman, and Colin.  I'm never very comfortable in large groups, but that was still a good experience.



Golden Biff Text