1992 Photos
3rd Annual Golden Biff Awards Night

Aidan, Wishbone, Mrs. Wishbone.
Wishbone was the Sysop (System Operator) of the prominent Santa Barbara BBS, "Bowhead Whale."


92Aug30 7:26 am from WishBone @ BowHead _ Santa Barbara

I wasn't even planning on showing up last night - not to boycott but simply cause I tend to be anti-social. My wife wanted to go out though - I mentioned this and my fate was sealed.... We sat kind out of the way in a place I could keep an inconspicous eye on the door. Then about 7:03 the sign appeared, no show and I think Colin sat at a booth. By 7:10 I had figured that all was lost and this would really be a 'NoShow' Q.

Then a couple of foxes ( er young ladies ) started hanging out at the booth. IT was obvious that the Q had grown out of the booth - they moved the Q to the table next to mine. I of course did the right thing - kept my mouth shut and observed the festivities. I thought Colin might recognize me from the Wishbone Q - he didn't acknowledge so if he did. Gwar showed up and I thought my goose was cooked but nope not yet. Of course I heard the customary BowHead Bashing and almost made the mistake of joining in but I was incognito that is until Gwar blew my cover...

The rest is shall we say history... Oh by the way any photos taken of me are just the products of Colin's imagination no matter how incriminating they may be...




Golden Biff Text