Music Industry
Tangent Audio Mixers
Tangent made a darned good mixer and they were arrogant about it.
Their advertising showed a photo of this menacing guy in mirror sunglasses,
and reflected in the glasses was some kind of electronic equipment, and the
headline said WHEN YOU'RE READY. Full page ads in music magazines.
Plus all kinds of collateral stuff using the same photo and headline.
When sales failed to rise, the company put a lot of money into media buys--and
nothing happened.
That's when I came into the picture. I pointed out that their ads said nothing,
claimed nothing, presented no information. I studied their product, talked to
distributors who told me it was really good and told me why it was good. Their
audio mixers had the lowest noise in the industry.
I wrote an ad around this
fact, and asked the art director to show one of the mixers surrounded by sound-deadening
And Tangent's phone started ringing.