Seymour was well known in the rock-star community for his custom hand-made
electric guitar pickups, but his mom & pop business operation couldn't survive on
sales to rock stars. He needed to reach the mass market.
I studied the competition and saw that they were all using rock-star endorsements, with
no information about the guitar pickups themselves. Nobody was explaining why you
should put a new pickup in your guitar.
I proposed that we do a brochure focusing
on the pickups themselves, with commentary from Seymour explaining why each one was
different from the others.
I interviewed Seymour extensively and wrote the brochure in first person, as though
Seymour himself were telling the story.
The brochure was introduced at the National Association of Music Manufacturer's convention,
and was an instant hit, catapulting Seymour Duncan into the industry leadership.