The Year in Review
Bank is a Leader
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust is the area's leading financial institution.
We have attained this position by concentrating on the fundamental needs of the market. No other bank or savings and loan in our'area offers a better combination of service, convenience, financial services, and financial strength and security.
Independent polls and Bank market research show that our customers rate the quality of our service higher than other banks' customers rate their financial institution. By dedicating ourselves to empathetic, responsive, and accurate service, Santa Barbara Bank & Trust has become "the bank best known for better service".
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust is the area's most convenient financial institution with more branch offices, more Automatic Teller Machines, and more motor bank facilities than any other financial institution in our market area. With eleven area locations to choose from, and worldwide ATM access, our customers are never far from their bank. Beyond our extended weekday and Saturday hours, customers have 24-hour access to account information through Bankline, our automated telephone inquiry service (965-BANK).
Breadth of Financial Services
We offer the expertise of a big bank -with the heart of a local bank. Besides a full breadth of deposit and loan services for individuals and businesses, we are also the area's leading Trust, Real Estate and Escrow provider.
Our customers are able to choose financial services unavailable at other banks, from our newest service, the
Personal Money Master cash management system, to the privileges of Our Gang, the nationally recognized over-60 club.
Strength and Security
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust is the area's highest rated financial institution.
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust consistently receives an A+ rating, and currently scores in the 94th percentile for all U.S. banks in its peer group, as rated by Sheshunoff Information Services, one of the nation's most respected rating services for financial institutions. This rating is based on having outstanding performance in a number of critical areas, including: Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Earnings Performance and Liquidity.
Findley Reports, a California bank rating service, also places Santa Barbara Bank & Trust among the state's Super Premier Performing Banks.
Bank Stock Analyst declared Santa Barbara Bank & Trust to be one of the best-managed banks in the United States.
By providing customers with the security and strength of the area's highest rated financial institution, the most convenience, the widest array of financial products, and the kind of service that has made us the "bank best known for better service", your Company continues to grow and gain the recognition of the nation's most respected rating services for financial institutions.
The Bank holds the highest market share of deposits among all banks and savings and loans from Carpinteria to the Santa Ynez Valley. Total average deposits increased 19% during 1990, and actual deposits were over $746 million at year end.
The Bank attracts new deposits with a competitive rate schedule and by leveraging the value of our highlyrated service, convenience, expertise and financial strength.
The highlight of 1990 Deposit performance was the introduction of the Personal Money Master System. This personal cash management system sweeps surplus cash from your checking account into a high yield Money Market account. The money stays in your Money Market account earning higher interest until the funds in your checking account fall to zero. Then the Personal Money Master System automatically transfers money from your Money Market account back into your checking account for immediate access.
The Personal Money Master System was introduced in June of 1990 after eighteen months of research and development. This new financial service is one of a very few of its kind in the nation. Aided by a successful multimedia promotional campaign, it has surpassed all of its deposit level, profit, and asset/liability mix objectives.
The Bank forecasts continued deposit growth during 1991 as more consumers will seek the service, convenience and security level of the area's highest rated financial institution.
It's a timesaver ...
For us, the Personal Money Master System with its automatic feature of moving our personalfunds to a higher interest rate saves valuable time and gives us maximum yield.
The time savings from this cash management of our personal funds is especially important since most of our time is neededfor ourfamily business and for rebuilding our home lost in the Painted Cave fire.
Peter and Kathleen Da Ros Mackin