University of California
at Santa Barbara
Computer and Electrical Engineering Department
This time-sharing system is based around a Digital Equipment VAX 11/780 computer, which hosts a state-of-the-art FPS-AP120B array processor, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, a Spatial Data model 108 Computer Eye for image digitalization, a Grinnell 256x256 Digital Refresh memory, and Optronics film writer and film reader.
Communications Research
Speech support systems for laryngectomies are being developed, as well as research into digital processing of speech.
The Department's Burroughs
1955S microprogrammable computer system and peripherals were donated by Burroughs Corporation in 1981.
In the Digital Systems lab, students
can prototype a hardware process, interface it to a microcomputer as a peripheral, and then exercise the process with an appropriately written computer program.
Real Time Computing
Computer Networks
Computer Systems Design Methodologies
Digital Signal Processor Architecture Reliability and Testability
Internship-In-Industry Program
The Internship-in-Industry Program offers an unusual opportunity for students to relate the scientific and engineering principles learned in the classroom to current engineering problems in industry. A student enrolled in the Internship-in-Industry Program works for two or three summers as an intern at a participating industry. In addition to financial support and credit toward a degree, the student enjoys the early opportunity of close contact with serious professional work in an industrial environment.
Certificate Program
A Graduate Certificate Program is offered to enable professional engineers to update their qualifications through specialized flexible programs. The engineer may design a program suitable
to his or her specific needs from courses in the following five areas:
Circuits and Signal Processing; Control and Communications Systems, Bioengineering; ComĀ¬puter Engineering; Microwaves, Optics, and Acoustics; and Solid State. Courses taken through the Graduate Certificate Program can be applied to the M.S. or Ph.D. degree requirements.
Industrial Affiliation Program
The Industrial Affiliation Program has been established in the recognition that both education and industry are crucial to the advancement of modern technology. Students must be prepared
for the challenges of industry, and research programs must be geared to real-world problems. Industries benefit from early access to technological developments, access to professors and top students, and successful campus recruitments. The department and its students course development, innovative programs, development and upgrading of laboratories, and student financial aid. |